Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just Call Me Alice..

Sometimes I feel like Alice, wandering around Wonderland trying to figure everything out. I'm falling down the rabbit hole entirely confused about everything in my life. I'm eating cookies and drinking potions that are supposed to make me fit just right but none of them are working. I feel like I'm a giant in a little house. I feel like I'm smaller than a flower in a garden. I'm continuing to wonder why I keep chasing that dastardly rabbit. Whether that rabbit be God, self-esteem, love, patience, or anything else that might cross my path. For the most part now I'm just more bitter than anything else. The truth is that I am afraid of falling astray. I just keep running and running trying to find that rabbit named God. But He is nowhere to be found. I know He must be near, but my heart has gone comatose, and I keep searching for some sort of revival. I wish I could say that its jolly times in Wonderland, but maybe the queen will cut off my head...

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